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IBOM is a church planting ministry. We plant churches by assisting national pastors with buildings, bibles, and support. As of August 2015, IBOM has been able to start 88 churches in Kenya and Uganda. Below is our Method of Ministry. 

Our Method of Ministry

Dear Friend, 


Financial experts say that to acquire wealth you first have to set a financial goal, and then develop a strategy to accomplish it, or you will never reach it. The same thing can be said about World Evangelism. When is the last time you heard a man set a goal for World Evangelism and develop a strategy to accomplish it?  With 88 churches now established and no end in sight, IBOM has proven that we have a strategy that is working and we would love to get you in on it! To see our strategy read the page below. We would love the opportunity to present IBOM to your church!


His for Kenya, 


Spencer Smith

Step #1: Train a National Pastor

IBOM has been able to see two bible colleges established in Kenya. These colleges are currently training over 100 men for the ministry. Our colleges provide an Associates of Theology, Bachelor's of Theology, Masters of Theology, and Doctorate of Divinity degress. Currently, IBOM has seen over 75 men graduate from our Bible Colleges. 

Step #2: Support a National Pastor


Once a man has graduated from our college and has the leading of the Lord to plant a church, IBOM supports him for up to 3 years. The cost of supporting a national pastor in Kenya is $100 a month. 

Step #3: Bring the Church to an Indigenous Position

IBOM, through the giving of local churches, supports the pastor for only 3 years. During this time, the pastor is winning souls and building his church. After 3 years, the pastor has been able to teach his people to tithe and give offerings so that the church is self supporting. (Indigenous) IBOM does not indefinetely support any national pastor. 

Step #4: Build a Permanent Building for the Church

A church has to has 3 things to exist: a Pastor, a congregation, and a place to meet. IBOM, through the giving of local churches, has been able to build many churches in Kenya and Uganda a permanent church building. These buildings provide stability for the ministry and become a permanent part of the community they are in. 

Host Conferences in the Country Twice a Year

The IBOM Kenya Conferences are one of the highlights of the year for our ministry!  During our conferences we bring in all of our national pastors for a time of teaching in the college, open air meetings, and encouragement. We also use this time to visit the churches that we have built buildings for and visit our supported pastors. 


Many American pastors have visited Kenya during our conferences and have been amazed at the great things that The Lord is doing!  We encourage anyone who is interested to come along with us! If you would like more information, then feel free to contact us. 

Transport Bibles and Literature to Churches

In addition to planting churches, we are heavily involved in transporting Bibles and Christian Literature (gospel tracts, sunday school literature, commentaries) into Kenya. Many Christians in Kenya and Uganda would have never been able to own their own Bible if not for the work of IBOM. If you are interested in helping us get Bibles into the country, then feel free to let us know.

Contact us for more information: 

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